Frequently Asked Questions to MAMI.clinic support

How may we be of help?

We are inependent media in Nigeria. We talk in simple terms about fertility and infertility, especially about how to understand what happens to your body at different periods, how to conceive healthy children

Absolutely free for patients. You need only contact with our customers service to make appointment.

If you struggle with understanding what is going on with your body, or you can not conceive, or you’re overwhelmed with information online then this is right place for you.

Yes. We are company MamiChat Femtech inc our addresses:
USA 541 Jefferson Ave Ste 100 Redwood City, CA 94063 US

Womens who searching for answers about fertility, conceiving, childbirth etc. Here is our Facebook Community

10 000 NGN or 20-25$ – consultation whit fertility coach, gynecologist or reproductilogist. All consultations are held online at a convenient time for you via Zoom, WhatsApp or Messenger. First step – consultation, then payment

Via Email services@mami.clinic 
Via Facebook
Via Phone +234 704 270 0746

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